About Me Harmonie

About Us

ME Harmonie is organized by experienced and certified aromatherapists and psychotherapists. Through consultation, holistic therapy, and self-development courses, we are dedicated to promoting and developing the concept of mindfulness, establishing inner harmony skills, and enhancing self-awareness methods. We believe that holistic healing is a comprehensive process that needs to focus on the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of an individual. Therefore, our healing programs not only address physical symptoms but also emphasize our clients’ emotional and psychological well-being.

融和始刻由經驗豐富的認證芳香療癒師和心理治療師組成,我們通過諮詢、整全治療和自我發展課程;致力地傳遞及發展正念概念、建立內在和諧技巧和自我意識增強的方法。 我們相信融和療癒是一個全面的過程,需要關注身體、心靈和情感層面。因此,我們的療癒計劃不僅關注身體的症狀,還注重客人的情感和心理狀況。

Vision & Mission
願景 & 使命

Vision 願景

ME Harmonie strives to be a leading healing center, dedicated to creating, inspiring, and spreading the seeds of integrated holistic aromatherapy and psychological health. We provide our clients with comprehensive healing solutions for physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, empowering them to achieve a healthier, more balanced, and harmonious lifestyle.

在融和始刻…我們致力成為一家領先的療癒中心 : 創造、啟發和傳遞出統合整全健康與心理健康的種子,為客人提供全面的身心靈健康療癒方案,幫助他們實現更健康、更平衡及和諧的生活方式。

Mission 使命

ME Harmonie integrates our unique “Mindset transformation healing,” “Mind healing,” “Body healing,” and “Expectation healing” core processes into our healing programs. Our healing approach not only focuses on treating symptoms but also considers our clients’ emotional and psychological well-being.

Our “Mindset transformation healing” process emphasizes clarity of thought and positivity, helping our clients release negative thoughts and emotions and cultivate a positive mindset and beliefs. “Mind healing” process focuses on emotional release and regulation, helping our clients release stress and anxiety and cultivate positive emotions and moods. “Body healing” process emphasizes relaxation and restoration, helping our clients alleviate physical pain and tension and promote physical health and recovery. “Relational healing” process focuses on our clients’ connections and support systems with others and the community, helping them establish positive social networks and support systems.

By integrating these four core healing processes, we aim to provide our clients with a unique healing experience and help them achieve comprehensive physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

融合獨有的『思癒』 『心癒』 『身癒』 『 寄癒』 4大融和療癒核心,我們的療癒計劃不僅注重症狀的治療,還注重客人的情感和心理狀況。

我們的『思癒』過程強調思想的清晰和積極性,幫助客人釋放負面思想和情感,並培養積極的心態和信念 ;『心癒』過程注重情感的釋放和調節,幫助客人釋放壓力和焦慮,並培養積極的情感和情緒;『身癒』過程注重身體的放鬆和恢復,幫助客人減輕身體的痛楚和緊張感,並促進身體的健康和恢復;『寄癒』過程注重客人與他人和社區的聯繫和支持,幫助客人建立積極的社交網絡和支持系統。


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